Contact Information:
Call or Text: 210-896-9283
Appointments: 210-602-2927
IMPORTANT: Please note that when we are helping customers in the store, we give them our undivided attention. If you call and get no answer, please leave a voicemail or send a text so we can get back to you.

The course is open and free to the public during the hours listed here. The most important part of this is initially coming out during these hours so we can go over course guidelines and have you sign a waiver. After this initial meeting, you can come outside of these ours just by sending us a message so we can keep track of who is out here.
549 Tolle Rd. Cibolo, TX 78108
TUE: 10am – 3pm
WED: 10am – 3pm
THURS: 4pm – 7pm
FRI: 10am – 8 pm
SAT: 10am – 3pm (call/txt for tee time)