Weekly Newsletter

Hey there and thanks for checking out our brand new weekly newsletter. I’ve been wanting to do something like this for quite some time and decided let’s just do it. It’s too easy to keep thinking of reasons not to do something so I decided to just do it and see how it goes.

What is this going to be?

Basically, the idea is to write a weekly newsletter discussing everything going on over here at Out of Bounds. This will consist of recapping what went on last week as well as taking a look at what is coming up next week. This can be anything from events, new and upcoming releases, item restocks, all the way to less definitive things such as ideas we may have just discussed or thoughts of things we’d like to do but not sure if we will yet. I would even like to dive into our thought processes on the way we do things and why, from time to time. Basically anything we would like to discuss and share with our community.

We put a LOT of thought into the different things we do in our store and in our events and bringing a level of transparency and clarity to that for anyone who is interested is something we would like to do. Over time, the structure of this newsletter will evolve into whatever tends to be the most interesting and enjoyable form of content. Please, if you have any requests or recommendations of what you would like to see, please feel free to message us and let us know. We would really love to hear from you!

I am also going to work on a notification option that you can submit your email or phone number to and receive notifications when we upload new posts. But for now, the plan is to post a newsletter each Monday, if possible.

Weekly Recap

A lot of things happen and a lot of items come out each week really, so this won’t be everything, but it should be a nice highlight. Last week we got in a bunch of new items as well as some typical restocks. About 50-100 more used discs were added into our inventory. The 2023 Tour Series Bergs also known as the Beorgs, came in. A batch of limited run stamps from Mint Discs. A new batch of custom dyes from Dye Daily. If you’re not familiar with Dye Daily you should check them out. A husband and wife, local to our disc golf community and they do amazing dye work. We get regular batches of discs dyed by them to stock in our store but they also have their own Instagram and online presence full of so many more awesome discs and you can even custom order discs from them. They have a wonderful eye for colors and interesting designs and just wonderful people to support and interact with. A high recommendation from us here at Out of Bounds.

We just released the new Loft Xenon today. This is basically their version of a Firebird, Felon, etc. But if you haven’t checked out any Loft discs yet you really need to. We have testers for each of their discs in our shop. The way they make their discs creates virtually no flashing. The rounded edge on the rim is so smooth. The Bohrium has a very exaggerated rounded rim but their other discs are much more moderate in their roundedness. You should definitely come hold one and check it out at least. Loft is not just doing the same thing as everyone else. They are clearly innovative and trying to improve the design of discs and in my opinion, they are doing a great job.

Local Honey. If you follow us, you probably know we had a batch of local honey that is made right here on our property. It sold out very fast. My brother, the one handling everything with the bees, gave us a very small amount of extra jars of honey from his personal supply, to sell in the shop. We still have a few jars left at the time of this post. These will be the last jars until the bees make more.


We have the new Gecko by Elevation discs pre ordered. We also have the 2023 Horizon Cloudbreakers and the new Discraft Zone OS pre ordered and getting close to release. Please note that Discraft did push the release of the Zone OS back to Friday, April 14th, instead of April 7th.

Things we have been discussing.

We are working on setting a date for this year’s 1 Disc Triples, so start thinking about what disc you want to use. If you’re not familiar with this event we run, its a triples event where everyone on your team has to throw one disc mold. For example, there will be a Team Buzzz, Team Destroyer, Team Hex, etc. Stay tuned. It’s very fun and the strategic discussions it brings out of everyone leading up to the event is so fresh and fun. This is not your typical tournament and we love it!

We are planning on releasing an informative video series with a Biologist focusing on different areas of the property. Each video will most likely focus on a specific plant or area of the property and discuss the interesting parts. Stay tuned.

Wrapping it up.

That about wraps it up for this post. If you’ve read this far, thanks so much for being a part of our little area of the world. Your support means the world to us and I hope this newsletter can be a “quick-ish” way to see what’s been going on and what is coming up, here at Out of Bounds.

Have a great week!


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