Compact UV Flashlight by MVP


Compact UV Flashlight by MVP is a UV flashlight for lighting up your glow in the dark discs and tape.

  • Powerful UV Light instantly activates glow plastic, vinyl stickers and glow tape.
  • Compact 12-LED
  • 15-year lifespan
  • Metal construction
  • 3.86″ x 1.125″

Kick your night golf up to the next level by charging your glow the right way – with MVP-approved UV light! Glow-in-the-dark material charges quicker and stays glowing longer when charged with UV light. The MVP UV Flashlight uses a familiar compact form factor and packs a powerful UV bulb and 3 AAA replaceable batteries (included). Each MVP UV Flashlight is black with metal casing and features MVP and Eclipse™ Glow logos. Densely packed Eclipse™ Glow Proton charges quickly and efficiently with the MVP UV Flashlight applied directly to the glow surface.


-> Pictures of actual disc unless stated otherwise above.
-> All discs ship in a box and in plastic sleeves.

1 in stock

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Compact UV Flashlight by MVP

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